Medieval Law and the Foundations of the State

(Elliott) #1

——Tractatus de Officio Regis, ed. A. W. Pollard and C. Sayle (London:
Wyclif Soc., 1887).
Yves de Chartres, Correspondance, ed. and tr. J. Lerclercq, i (Paris, 1949).

records and dictionaries

Acta Imperii Inedita Saeculi XIII et XIV, Urkunden und Briefe zur Geschichte
des Kaiserreichs und des Königreichs Sizilien, 1 (1198–1273), ed. E. Winkel-
mann (Aalen, 1964).
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, ed. T. Thomson and C. Innes, 12 vols.
(Edinburgh, 1844–75).
Ancient Petitions relating to Northumberland, ed. C. Fraser, Surtees Soc. 176
(Durham, 1966).
Anglo-Saxon Charters, ed. and tr. A. J. Robertson (Cambridge UP, 1939).
Anglo-Saxon Writs, ed. F. E. Harmer (Manchester UP, 1952).
Anglo-Scottish Relations, 1174–1328, ed. E. L. G. Stones (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1971).
Arengenverzeichnis zu den Königs- und Kaiserurkunden von den Merowingern
bis Heinrich VI, compiled by F. Hausmann und A. Gawlik, MGH Hilfsmittel
9 (Munich 1987).
Arnolfi Diplomata, ed. P. Kehr, MGH Diplomata regum ex stirpe Karolinorum
2 (Berlin, 1940).
Bracton’s Notebook, ed. F. W. Maitland, 3 vols. (London, 1887).
British Borough Charters, 1042–1216, ed. A. Ballard (Cambridge UP, 1913).
Burgundy: Regum Burgundiae e stirpe Rudolfina Diplomata et Acta, ed.
T. Schieffer, MGH (Munich, 1977).
Calendar of Ancient Petitions relating to Wales, ed. W. Rees (Cardiff, 1975).
Calendar of State Papers Domestic 1601–3 & Addenda 1547–65(London,
Capitularia Regum Francorum, ed. A. Boretius and V. Krause, MGH Legum
Sectio 2, 2 vols. (Hanover, 1883–90).
Cartas de poblacion y franquicia de Cataluna, ed. J. M. Font Rius, 1: Textos
(Madrid, 1969).
Cartulaire de L’Abbaye de Savigny, ed. A. Bernard (Paris, 1853).
Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 14 vols. (London: HMSO, 1902–38).
—— Calendar of the Close Rolls (1272–1485), 45 vols. (London: HMSO,
Cluny: see Recueil des Chartes de l’Abbaye de Cluny.
Coleccion de fueros municipales y cartas pueblas de los reinos de Castilla,
Leon, Corona de Aragon y Navarra, ed. F. Munoz Romero (Madrid,
Concilia Aevi Karolini1, part i, ed. A. Werminghoff, MGH Legum Sectio 3
(Hanover, 1906).
Conradi I, Heinrici I et Ottonis I Diplomata, ed. T. Sickel, MGH Diplomata
regum et imperatorum Germaniae 1 (Hanover, 1879–84).

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