Table 8
Organ Involvement in NVE
Peripheral stigmata(20% of patients)
Musculoskeletal(40%–50% of patients)
Janeway lesions
Low back pain (presenting symptom)
Valvular vegetations in 15% of patients
Osler’s nodes
Diffuse myalgias, especially of legs
Roth spots
Disc space infection
Myocardial abscess
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Septal abscess (leading to heart block)
Vascular necrosis
Arthritis (ankle, knee, wrist)
Aortocardiac fistulaSuppurative pericarditisRupture of papillary muscles, chordae tendinaeAnnular abscessMycotic aneurysm of sinus of ValsalvaDestruction of valvular leafletsStaphylococcus aureus
responsible for 55%–70% of congestive heart failure
Neurological system
Mycotic aneurysms
Metastatic infections
Neurological complications are the
presenting symptoms in 50%–70%of patients.
Congestive heart failure and antibiotic
toxicity are currently the mostcommon causes of renal failure
Life-threatening in 2.5% of patients
Metastatic infections are produced by
septic emboli (usually in acute IE) toliver, spleen, gallbladder, coronaryarteries (myocardial infarction occursin 50% of patients), myocardium,lung, and retina
Renal abscesses due to highly invasive
organisms (i.e.,
Usually produced by organisms of low
invasive capacity (i.e.,
Toxic manifestations (headache,
Renal infarction (cortical necrosis)
occurs in two-thirds of infectedpatients.
Silent until they leak; seen most
commonly in brain
Psychiatric effects (neurosis).
Focal glomerulonephritis occurs in 50%
of untreated cases and is associatedwith renal failure and nephroticsyndrome
Sinus of Valsalva, abdominal aorta and
its branches, mesenteric, splenic,coronary, and pulmonary arteries
Psychoses, disorientation, delirium
(hallucinations) Stroke
“Flea-bitten” kidney, multiple emboli and
MeningoencephalitisDyskinesiaSpinal cord and small nerves (girdle pain,
paraplegia, weakness, myalgias, andperhipheral neuropathy)
230 Brusch