Table 7
Assessing the Patient for Selected Category B and C Agents (
Pathogen (incubationperiod)
Systemic symptoms
Central nervoussystem
Skin, joints, andmucous membranes Miscellaneous
Epsilon toxin
C. perfringens(incubation inhumans unknown)
endothelial injuryand diffusevasogenic cerebraledema.
In animals, in
gastrointestinaltract, causeswasting, diarrhea,and enterocolitis.
Food safety threats
Salmonella sp.
E. Coli
Shigella, Vibrio
L. monocytogenes, C. jejuni, Y. enterocolitica
): These organisms may present with
gastrointestinal and/or systemic disease.
L. monocytogenes
has a propensity to cause meningitis in the compromised host and rhomboencephalitis in the normal host.
E. coli
O157:H7 hemolytic uremic syndrome.
S. typhi
causes typhoid fever, which may be protracted, and patients may present with relative bradycardia and occasionally rose spots
on the trunk.
species causes bloody diarrhea.
Disease presentation of Melioidosis (
Bk. pseudomallei
) and human
Bk. mallei
closely overlap.
(1–21 days;1–5 days for sepsis;hours for inhalation;incubation periodmay be extendedover months toyears). Weaponizeddisease may appearin 1–4 days.
Most disease
subclinical althoughfulminant rapidlyfatal disease inimmunecompromisedpatients. Maypresent as sepsis.
Sepsis patients may
present withconfusion,headache,photophobia,myalgias, flushing,cyanosis, jaundice.
Pulmonary lesions on
chest X ray mostcommon site oflocalized disease.Cyanosis withsevere disease.
Jaundice, hepato-
Tends to form abscesses.
Cutaneous andsubcutaneous pustules.Erythroderma,lymphadenopathy.
Chronic infection may
manifest as multipleabscesses of theskin, soft tissue andviscera.
Chronic localized
abscesses in liver,lung, brain, lymph-adenitis, osteo-myelitis, septicarthritis and spleen.
Recrudescence of infection
occurs especially in timesof stress. Parotidabscesses in children.
(Bk. mallei
(1–21 days;1–5 days forsepsis; hours forinhalation).Weaponizeddisease may appearin 1–4 days.
Presents abruptly with
swollen nodes,weight loss, andsubcutaneousabscesses. Chronicinfection maymanifest as multipleabscesses of theskin, soft tissue,and viscera.
exposure may resultin headache, fever,myalgia, localizednodular or erosiveinfection.Photophobia, severeheadache,lacrimation, ocularexudates andulceration, erosion ofthe nasal septum.
Acute necrotizing
pneumonia or acuterespiratory distresssyndrome. Maypresent as chroniccavitary diseaseconfused withtuberculosis.
Ulcerating nodules in
Mortality 19–50% even with
treatment. Mortality>
90% in 24–48 hr without
treatment in septicemicform.
(Continued )
Bioterrorism Infections in Critical Care 455