Infectious Diseases in Critical Care Medicine

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Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF),
332, 475
Critical care units (CCU), 134, 512, 536
diagnostic problems in, 1, 9–10
Crohn’s disease, 351
natalizumab for, 382
CRP.SeeC-reactive protein (CRP)
CRRT.SeeContinuous renal replacement therapy
Cryptococcosis disease, 401
Cryptococcus neoformans, 41, 299
infection, in SOT recipients, 395
Cryptococcussp. infection
anti-TNF therapy and, 382
in SOT recipients, 394
Cryptogenic rabies, 480
Cryptosporidium parvum, 400
CSD.SeeCat scratch disease (CSD)
CSF.SeeCerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
CT scan.SeeComputed tomography (CT) scan
Culture negative IE (CNIE), 222.See alsoInfective
endocarditis (IE)
causes of, 222
Curling’s ulcers, 265
Cutaneous anthrax, 479
Cutaneous lesions
with disseminatedNeisseria gonorrheae
infection, 28
CVA.SeeCerebrovascular accidents (CVA)
CVC.SeeCentral venous catheter (CVC)
CVC infections.SeeCentral venous catheter (CVC)
CVVH.SeeContinuous veno-venous
hemofiltration (CVVH)
CXR.SeeChest X Ray (CXR)
Cyclosporine, 377
Cystoid macular edema, 67
Cytochrome P-450, 524
Cytokine storm, 422
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 69, 90, 159–160
infections, 369, 389
in SOT recipients, 395, 399, 401
pneumonia, 98
Cytotoxin, 270-kDa, 275

Dalbavancin, 316
Dalfopristin, 500, 538
Daptomycin, 193, 215, 538
in MRSA infections, 507
DDD.SeeDefined daily doses (DDD)
of HCW, 110, 112
of patients, 109–110
De-escalation therapy, 492
Defined daily doses (DDD), 190
“Degenerative cardiac lesions, ” defined, 227
Degenerative valvular disease (DVD), 227
Dengue fever, 29, 332
Dengue hemorrhagic fever, 476

Dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock
syndrome (DHF/DSS), 332
Dermatological adverse reactions, 547–548
of left palm of patient with TSS, 34
DFA.SeeDirect fluorescent antibody (DFA)
DGI.SeeDisseminated gonococcal infections (DGI)
DHF/DSS.SeeDengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue
shock syndrome (DHF/DSS)
Diabetic foot infection, 308–309
antimicrobial therapy and microbiology
associated with, 306
Diagnostic fever curves, 12
DIC.SeeDisseminated intravascular coagulation
Diffuse bilateral pneumonia
clinical and radiologic diagnosis of, 97–98
mimic of
ARDS, 99
bilateral massive aspiration, 99
CHF, 98
ILD, 99
pulmonary hemorrhage, 98
Diffuse erytmematous rashes with desquamation
KD, 35–36
scarlet fever, 35
SSSS, 34–35
TSS, 33
Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA), 478
Directly observed therapy (DOT), 428
Disseminated gonococcal infections (DGI), 27–28
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 315,
324, 351
Dog bites,Pasteurellaspp. and, 301–302
Dosing, VAP and
antibiotic, in patients with renal impairment,
vancomycin, 193
DOT.SeeDirectly observed therapy (DOT)
Double quotidian fever, physical findings
noninfectious mimics, 50
Double quotidian fevers, 13
Doughy abdomen, physical findings
diagnostic features, 58
noninfectious mimics, 58
PE findings, 58
for gastrointestinal anthrax, 479
ineffectiveness for MRSA, 508
oral, 158
Drotrecogin alfa, 428
Drug-induced meningitis, 136–137
Drug-induced ototoxicity, 548
adverse skin reaction, 30
biotransformation of, 523
exanthems, 30
fever, presumptive diagnosis of, 9–10
linear configuration of, 522
rash, 10–11
therapy, selection of antibiotics, 493–495

Index 563

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