AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Chapter 4: Data Formats 165


After the loop is finished executing, finish off the table:


If you had an XML document holding the XSLT shown here in a variable named
bookmarkStylesheet, you could quickly apply it to the fetched bookmark content held in

var xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
var resultDocument = xsltProcessor.transformToFragment(xhr.responseXML, document);

and then all you have to do is append the resulting markup into the document like so:


You can find the Firefox version of this example at http://ajaxref.com/ch4/xmlxsltff.html.

Of course, the Internet Explorer way has to be different, otherwise our lives as Web
developers would be far too easy. First, you use the ActiveX-based XML parser to load up
the fetched XML document containing the bookmarks:

var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");

/* we also could use our createDocument() wrapper function here but for
clearly acknowledging the ActiveX parsing involved we leave this here.
The online version does however use the wrapper */


Next, you fetch the XSL file used to transform the XML into the table:

var xsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xsl.async = false;

Now apply the XSLT to the first DOM tree with a simple command:

var transformed = xmlDoc.transformNode(xsl);

and then output the result into the document:

responseOutput.innerHTML = transformed;

The Internet Explorer version of the XSLT transformation can be found at http://ajaxref
Once again, let’s turn to the Sarissa library discussed in the XPath section to mitigate the
cross-browser issues. First, include the appropriate libraries:

<script type="text/javascript" src="sarissa.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sarissa_ieemu_load.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sarissa_ieemu_xpath.js"></script>
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