AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1


How to Use This Book

This book is meant for Web professionals with background in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The related texts HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference and JavaScript: The Complete
Reference are considered background for the material presented in this work. Where

possible, the content and examples have been made as accessible as possible to the widest
range of readers. A few appendixes provide some background material for those looking to

jump straight into Ajax. However, by my experience teaching this material for the past two
years, I know readers will find that whatever order they approach mastering client-side
Web development, foundational work will eventually be required for full enjoyment.

No chapter in this book is meant to be optional, and they should be read in order. Some
readers may find Chapter 2 material can be skipped, but later chapters, including 9 and 10,

will force a return to this seemingly historical material.
The support site for the book can be found at http://www.ajaxref.com and contains all
examples from the book, errata information, and information about the AjaxTCR library

used throughout.
The book supports the Introduction to Ajax class at UCSD Extension and is a component

of the undergraduate client-side Web technologies course at the UCSD CSE Department.
Instructors looking to teach with the book should contact the author at [email protected]
for access to PowerPoint slides, tests, exercises, and other classroom material. The material

has also been adapted for corporate training, and organizations interested in private
training may contact the author for more details. The book, however, does not rely on in-

class training and is complete in its discussion for self-instruction.
Finally, all readers with suggestions on improvements should not hesitate to contact the
author with feedback. Given that Ajax is such a moving target, it is expected that errors will

be found and revisions will be required.


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