AJAX - The Complete Reference

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280 Part II: Developing an Ajax Library^

user’s local performance was not acceptable. This concept should not be foreign to users of
certain versions of the Windows operating system, where you can turn off various
animations and visual improvements to improve speed.
Over the course of the chapter, we looked at a number of error cases such as connections
that time out, servers that don’t respond correctly to requests, various data errors that may
occur, and an assortment of ordering problems. However, one network related was skipped:
what happens if you aren’t online? Can an Ajax application still work? The answer is in fact
yes, offline facilities are being introduced, but they certainly aren’t commonplace, so this
discussion is saved for Chapter 10 which covers emerging issues. Also covered in that chapter
is a networking pattern called Comet. In this chapter polling was discussed a number of times
as a way to keep in more continuous contact with the server. Comet changes the need for a

FIGURE 6-25 Do partitioned payloads prove the point?
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