AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

400 Part II: Developing an Ajax Library^

What About...?

The chapter is almost over, and you might be concerned that we forgot tree controls,
accordions, right-clicking, fish-eye menus, and any other cool GUI widget or pattern of the
moment. Actually, we didn’t; there just isn’t any point covering an interface widget unless
there is something really Ajax oriented about it. For example, tree controls long predate
Ajax. If we want to populate the data with an XHR, it doesn’t change much other than
potentially causing problems if data is not available due to network or server latency. We
saw already in numerous ways that data on demand is the real power here, and that it, of
course, has some inherent danger to it. The way to address such issues is generally no
different for any widget you can come up with.
Even if you have seen particular widgets in conjunction with Ajax, there is no need
to categorize them all unless they really are addressing something really related to Ajax.

FIGURE 8-18 Exploring network data retrieval vs. UI pacing
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