AJAX - The Complete Reference

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402 Part II: Developing an Ajax Library^

com/ch8/fulllist.html, which is shown in Figure 8-20. However, if you think carefully about
moving this type of application to production, you’ll note there is much missing architecturally
speaking. The final example hints at such problems.
Lastly, we present the simple Photo Viewer (http://ajaxref.com/ch8/photoviewer.html)
example. It is quite simple and uses Ajax for loading categories, files, and other data items.
Visually it provides little polish except a simple image lightboxing interface. However, it clearly
demonstrates a significant concern; it breaks interface and architecture conventions users may
expect. Sounds serious, doesn’t it? It is. Use the example and browse to some images.

FIGURE 8-19 Purchasing items from the Ajax Essentials Emporium
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