AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Chapter 2: Pre-Ajax JavaScript Communications Techniques 23


Prior to calling sendRequest, the transport value in the payload is set to indicate the
particular communication being used. You can run the complete example at http://ajaxref

Other Approaches

If you haven’t guessed by now, just about any tag that can be set to reference a URL might be
a candidate for simple one-way communication. It is even possible to use cookies to transport
something up. While it is unlikely that there will be a need to use these techniques, they
should give you a good appreciation for all the possible methods to implement JavaScript-
based communications.

One-way Style Sheet Requests
The <link> tag can be used to associate a style sheet by setting its href attribute which will
then trigger a network request. No response is required, but a blank response, say an empty
style sheet, could be sent in place of the typical no-content 204 response.

function sendRequest(url,payload)
var linkedStyle = document.createElement("link");
linkedStyle.rel = "stylesheet";
linkedStyle.type = "text/css";
linkedStyle.href = url+"?"+payload;

/* find the head to insert properly */
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (head)

As before, the value of transport that is set in the payload is changed so that the
rating recorded indicates the communication method employed. To run the example online,
visit http://ajaxref.com/ch2/onewaystyle.html.

Location and 204 Response Approach
Given that a browser will stay on the same page when given a 204 response, it can be used
to pretend to go to a URL just to submit some data. To accomplish this, make a direct
assignment with JavaScript to window.location to send the data payload, as shown here:

function sendRequest(url,payload)
window.location = url+"?"+payload; // goes nowhere because of 204

A 204-based location setting example can be found at http://ajaxref.com/ch2/oneway204.html.

One-way Iframes with Form Posts

One major advantage of using iframes in JavaScript-based communications as compared to
the previous approaches is that iframes also support the HTTP POST method. Given that
query strings used with GET requests have a limited data size, they are inappropriate for
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