AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

412 Part II: Developing an Ajax Library^

With JavaScript on, the page load would cause a function to scan the document looking
for class values of "ajaxsuggest" and bind the appropriate JavaScript to start up the
suggestion system to sense the keystrokes and issue requests.

AjaxTCR.util.event.addWindowLoadEvent(function () {
var items = AjaxTCR.util.DOM.getElementsByClassName("ajaxsuggest");
for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++)
items[i].id, "suggestionList");

The code to autosuggest is basically identical to that from the previous chapter so we
omit it here, but if you view the example at http://ajaxref.com/ch9/searchsuggest.html,
you’ll see a new widget wrapper that we will introduce in the next section. Our purpose
here is to show the architecture and demonstrate, as you see in Figure 9-1, that in-page Ajax
provides the rich experience for those browsers who can run it and the traditional experience
for those who can’t.

Rating Refactored

To further demonstrate the appropriate architecture of in-page Ajax, let us revisit our tried
and true rating example from chapters past. In the first basic case, there is a simple
collection of radio buttons and a submit button with no requirement for JavaScript at all.
The basic markup with some semantic ideas added is presented here:

<div id="ratingWidget">
<form action="http://ajaxref.com/ch9/rate.php" method="POST"
id="ratingForm" target="_blank">

FIGURE 9-1 Suggest and search with and without Ajax
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