AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Appendix A: JavaScript Quick Reference 553


Conformance Browser Versions Notes
JavaScript 1.0 Very Loose
ECMA-262 Edition 1

Netscape 2 Numerous implementation problems,
especially with the Date object. Lacks
some operators (===) and statements
(switch) commonly used. Simple object
model (forms, window, and links).
JavaScript 1.1 Loose ECMA-262
Edition 1

Netscape 3 Loose conformance to ECMA-262
Edition 1. Extended simple object
model adding image, applet, and plug-
in access.
JavaScript 1.2 Loose ECMA-262
Edition 1

Netscape 4.0–4.05 DHTML generation features such
as Layer object and JSSS features
JavaScript 1.3 ECMA-262 Edition 1 Netscape 4.06–4.7 Strict conformance to ECMA-262
Edition 1. Layer object and JSSS
features continue to be supported.
JavaScript 1.5 ECMA-262 Edition 3 Firefox 1.x DHTML generation features removed
in favor of standard DOM. Native XHRs

JavaScript 1.6 ECMA-262 Edition
3 with E4X related

Firefox 1.5x Array extensions like map, for each,
every, some, array and string generics,
XML handling features.

JavaScript 1.7 ECMA-262 Edition
3 with E4X related

Firefox 2.x Python-like generators, array
comprehensions, let statement
and block scope, destructuring
JavaScript 1.8 ECMA-262 Edition
3 with E4X related

Firefox 3.0 Modifications to the Python style
of generators, a simplified form of
anonymous functions, reduce()
and reduceRight() methods for
array. JSON-native support to be
potentially added ahead of JavaScript
2.0. General movement toward 2.0
JavaScript 2.0 ECMA-262 Edition
4 + E4X (TBD)

TBD New standard still unfinished at the
time of this writing. Likely to include
features such as optional static
typing, packages and namespaces,
generators and iterators, JSON, and
class-based OOP.

TABLE A-2 Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox JavaScript Version History
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