AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

554 Part IV: Appendixes

NNOT EOTE Inclusion of less common JavaScript versions supported in modern versions of Firefox requires
different type settings for the <script> tag. For example, <script type="application/
javascript;version=1.7"> or <script type="application/javascript;
version=1.8"> would be used to signify JavaScript 1.7 or 1.8, respectively.

Microsoft’s JScript is more ubiquitous, given Internet Explorer’s market share and
compatibility with this browser family, and its object model is often a goal for developers.
Table A-3 details the evolution of JavaScript support within these browsers.

NNOT EOTE JScript.NET also exists and has more features, but it is not currently browser based.

JavaScript Inclusion Methods

While not formally part of the language itself, the methods used to include JavaScript
within Web pages are quite important. Table A-4 details each method.
Including JavaScript in a document does not guarantee it will be understood or run by
the fetching user agent. To address such concerns, JavaScript developers should use the
<noscript> tag to present an alternative path for non-JavaScript-aware browsers.

<h1 class="jsError">Error: This Web application requires JavaScript</h1>
<a href="errors/jsoff.html">More information about required technology</a>


Equivalence ECMA Conformance

Version Notes
JScript 1.0 1.0 Loose ECMA-262
Edition 1

Explorer 3.0

Similar features to the
Netscape 2 implementation of
JScript 3.0 1.3 ECMA-262 Edition 1 Internet
Explorer 4.0

DHTML generation object model
with document.all and
full style sheet manipulation.
Some basic W3C DOM ideas

JScript 5.0 1.5 ECMA-262 Edition 1 Internet
Explorer 5.0

ActiveX based XHRs introduced.

JScript 5.5 1.5 ECMA-262 Edition 3 Internet
Explorer 5.5

Partial W3C DOM conformance.

JScript 5.6 1.5 ECMA-262 Edition 3 Internet
Explorer 6.0

Improved but partial W3C DOM

JScript 5.7 1.5 ECMA-262 Edition 3 Internet
Explorer 7.0

Native XHRs added.

TABLE A-3 Internet Explorer JScript/JavaScript Version History
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