AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

560 Part IV: Appendixes

Object Creation
Objects are created using the new operator in conjunction with a special constructor function.

[var] instance = new Constructor(arguments);

For example, here we create a new Date object that is built-in to ECMAScript:

var today = new Date();

Constructor functions are by convention named in uppercase and can be user defined.
This shows an example of creating a simple object Dog with one property and method.

function Dog(name)
this.name = name;
this.bark = function () { alert("woof woof!"); };

var angus = new Dog("Angus Dunedin Powell");

Besides constructing objects with new, it is also possible that Object literals may be
used with the following syntax:

{ [ prop1: val1 [, prop2: val2, ...]] }

For example:

var myDog = {
name : "Angus"
city : "San Diego",
state : "CA" ,
friendly : true,
greeting : function() { alert("Ruff ruff!"); }

Object literals are quite important in JavaScript today as they are being co-opted to
create a namespace-like wrapper around various user-defined variables and functions. For
example, given:

var gServiceId = 5551212;
function send() { }
function receive() { }

you would wrap the values and functions within an object literal like so:

var fakeNS = {
gServiceId : 5551212,
send: function () { },
receive: function () { }

and avoid polluting the shared global namespace with many identifiers.
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