AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

570 Part IV: Appendixes

Operator Description Example
<< Bitwise left shift the first operand by the value of the
second operand, zero filling “vacated” bit positions.

var x = 1<<2

>> Bitwise right shift the first operand by the value of the
second operand, sign filling the “vacated” bit positions.

var x = -2>>1

>>> Bitwise right shift the first operand by the value of the
second operand, zero filling “vacated” bit positions.

var x = -2>>>1

& Bitwise AND var x = 2&3;

| Bitwise OR var x = 2|3;
^ Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) var x = 2^3;
~ Bitwise negation is a unary operator and takes only one
value. It converts the number to a 32-bit binary number
then inverts 0 bits to 1 and 1 bits to 0 and converts

var x=~1

TABLE A-13 Binary and Self-Assignment Bitwise Operators

Operator Example
+= var x = 1;
x+= 5;
-= var x = 10;
x -= 5;
*= var x = 2;
x *= 10;
/= var x = 9;
x /= 3;
%= var x = 10;
x %= 3;
<<= var x = 4;
x <<= 2;
>>= var x = 4;
x >>= 2;

TABLE A-14 Binary and Self-Assignment Bitwise Operators
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