AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

586 Part IV: Appendixes

Property Value
$1, $2, ..., $9 Strings holding the text of the first nine parenthesized subexpressions
of the most recent match.

index Holds the string index value of the first character in the most recent
pattern match. This property is not part of the ECMA standard, though
it is supported widely. Therefore it may be better to use the length
of the regexp pattern and the lastIndex property to calculate this
input String containing the default string to match against the pattern.
lastIndex Integer specifying the position in the string at which to start the next
match. Same as the instance property, which should be used instead.
lastMatch String containing the most recently matched text.

lastParen String containing the text of the last parenthesized subexpression of
the most recent match.

leftContext String containing the text to the left of the most recent match.
rightContext String containing the text to the right of the most recent match.

TABLE A-26 Static Properties of the RegExp Object
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