AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

598 Part IV: Appendixes

After the status line, the server responds with information about itself and the data
being returned. Also included are various response headers, the most important of which is
Content-Type, which indicates the type of data in the form of a MIME type and subtype
that will be returned. Like request headers, many of these codes are optional and depend on
the status of the request.

Status Code Group Category Meaning
1XX Informational Request was received and processing continues.
2XX Successful Request was received and executed.

3XX Redirection Further action potentially elsewhere is required to
complete request.
4XX Client Error The request was incorrect or malformed.
5XX Server Error The server failed to fulfill the request.

TABLE B-6 HTTP 1.1 Response Code Groups

1XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description

100 Continue An interim response issued by the server that indicates
the request is in progress but has not been rejected or
accepted. This status code is in support of the persistent
connection idea introduced in HTTP 1.1.
101 Switching Protocols Can be returned by the server to indicate that a different
protocol should be used to improve communication. This
could be used to initiate a real-time protocol.
2XX Codes

Status Code Reason String Description
200 OK Indicates the successful completion of a request.
201 Created Indicates the successful completion of a PUT request and
the creation of the file specified.
202 Accepted Indicates that the request has been accepted for
processing but that the processing has not been
completed and the request may or may not actually
finish properly.
203 Non-Authoritative

Indicates a successful request, except that returned
information, particularly meta-information about a
document, comes from a third source and is unverifiable.

204 No Content Indicates a successful request, but there is no new data
to send to the client.

TABLE B-7 HTTP 1.1 Response Codes and Reason Strings
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