AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Appendix B: HTTP 1.1 Reference 599

2XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description
205 Reset Content Indicates that the client should reset the page that sent
the request (potentially for more input). This could be
used on a form page that needs consistent refreshing
rather than reloading, as might be used in a chat system.
206 Partial Content Indicates a successful request for a piece of a larger
document or set of documents. This response typically is
encountered when media is sent out in a particular order,
or byte-served, as with streaming Acrobat files.
3XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description
300 Multiple Choices Indicates that there are many possible representations for
the requested information, so the client should use the
preferred representation, which might be in the form of a
closer server or different data format.
301 Moved Permanently Requested resource has been assigned a new permanent
address, and any future references to this resource
should be made using one of the returned addresses.
302 Moved Temporarily Requested resource temporarily resides at a different
address. For future requests, the original address should
still be used.

303 See Other Indicates that the requested object can be found at a
different address and should be retrieved using a GET
method on that resource.

304 Not Modified Issued in response to a conditional GET; indicates to the
agent to use a local copy from cache or similar action as
the request object has not changed.

305 Use Proxy Indicates that the requested resource must be accessed
through the proxy given by the URL in the Location
4XX Codes

Status Code Reason String Description
400 Bad Request Indicates that the request could not be understood by the
server due to malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized Request requires user authentication. The authorization
has failed for some reason, so this code is returned.
402 Payment Required Obviously in support of e-commerce, this code is currently
not well-defined.

TABLE B-7 HTTP 1.1 Response Codes and Reason Strings (continued)
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