AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

600 Part IV: Appendixes

4XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description
403 Forbidden Request is understood but disallowed and should not be
reattempted, compared to the 401 code, which might
suggest a reauthentication. A typical response code in
response to a query for a directory listing when directory
browsing is disallowed.
404 Not Found Usually issued in response to a typo by the user or a
moved resource, as the server can't find anything that
matches the request nor any indication that the requested
item has been moved.

405 Method Not Allowed Issued in response to a method request such as GET,
POST, or PUT on an object where such a method is not
supported. Generally an indication of what methods that
are supported will be returned.
406 Not Acceptable Indicates that the response to the request will not be
in one of the content types acceptable by the browser,
so why bother doing the request? This is an unlikely
response given the */* acceptance issued by most, if not
all, browsers.

407 Proxy Authentication

Indicates that the proxy server requires some form of
authentication to continue. This code is similar to the
401 code.

408 Request Time-out Indicates that the client did not produce or finish a request
within the time that the server was prepared to wait.

409 Conflict Indicates the request could not be completed because of
a conflict with the requested resource; for example, the
file might be locked.

410 Gone Indicates that the requested object is no longer available
at the server and no forwarding address is known. Search
engines might want to add remote references to objects
that return this value because it is a permanent condition.
411 Length Required Indicates that the server refuses to accept the request
without a defined Content-Length. This might happen
when a file is posted without a length.
412 Precondition Failed Indicates that a precondition given in one or more of the
request header fields, such as If-Unmodified-Since,
evaluated to false.

TABLE B-7 HTTP 1.1 Response Codes and Reason Strings (continued)
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