AJAX - The Complete Reference

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Appendix B: HTTP 1.1 Reference 601

4XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description
413 Request Entity Too

Indicates that the server is refusing to return data because
the object might be too large or the server might be too
loaded to handle the request. The server also might provide
information indicating when to try again, if possible, but
just as well might terminate any open connections.
414 Request-URI Too Large Indicates that the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI),
generally a URL, in the request field is too long for
the server to handle. This is unlikely to occur as many
browsers probably will not allow such excessive requests
to be transmitted.
415 Unsupported Media

Indicates the server will not perform the request because
the media type specified in the message is not supported.
This code might be returned when a server receives a file
that it is not configured to accept using the PUT method.
5XX Codes
Status Code Reason String Description

500 Internal Server Error A serious error message indicating that the server
encountered an internal error that keeps it from fulfilling
the request.
501 Not Implemented Indicates that the server does not support or might be
understood but not implemented. This is used when an
unsupported method is requested.
502 Bad Gateway Indicates that the server acting as a proxy encountered
an error from some other gateway and is passing the
message along.
503 Service Unavailable Indicates the server currently is overloaded or is
undergoing maintenance. Headers can be sent to indicate
when the server will be available.
504 Gateway Time-out Indicates that the server, when acting as a gateway or
proxy, encountered too long a delay from an upstream
proxy and decided to time out.
505 HTTP Version Not

Indicates that the server does not support the HTTP
version specified in the request.

TABLE B-7 HTTP 1.1 Response Codes and Reason Strings (continued)
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