AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

A tag, 167
Abort, 62, 97, 210
Accept header, 593
Accept-Charset header, 593
Accept-Encoding header, 593
Accept-Language header, 594
Accept-Ranges header, 603
Accessibility, 403–405
ActionScript, 524, 531
browser support for, 62
cross-browser issues with, 64–73
and Internet Explorer, 130
and XMLHttpRequest (XHR), 62, 64
ActiveXObject approach, 6
Activity indicators:
Ajax applications activity indicators,
detailed status indicators, 342–348
web pattern activity indicators,
Add method, 247
Addition operator, 569
AddListener, 207
Age header, 603
Ajah (Asynchronous JavaScript and HTML),
430, 445
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML), 3–14
adding, 407–411
authentication, 301–312
and caching, 8
communications patterns in, 4
content optimization, 264–270
CSS optimization, 266–267
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
markup optimization, 264–265
debugging tools, 589

full-site, 451–474
and back button, 452–458
and bookmarking, 473–474
and history, 458–472
“Hello World” example, 11–12
history of, 12–14
implications of, 13
in-page, 411–412
and JavaScript, 13–14
and jQuery, 223–228
and networking, 14
and performance, 261–270
content optimization, 264–270
CSS optimization, 266–267
HTTP compression, 261–264
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
markup optimization, 264–265
process for, 5–11
and Prototype, 212–220
ratings system, 412–418
running, locally, 11–12
and Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 308–310
security issues, 293–294, 301–312
authentication, 301–312
and Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
and software industry, 13
and Uniform Resource Locators, 14
and user interface, 14
and Web architecture, 14
and Web Services, 483–502
Flash cross domain bridge,
script tag, 492–496
server proxy solution, 485–490
URL forwarding, 490–492
XHR cross domain access, 500–502
Ajax applications activity indicators,
Ajax Emporium, 401


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