AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

636 Ajax: The Complete Reference

Ajax libraries, 177–230
AjaxTCR library, 179–200
development of, 177
Dojo, 229–230
and HTTP headers, 597
jQuery, 223–229
and Ajax, 223–228
strengths and weaknesses of,
Mochikit, 230
MooTools, 230
need for, 109
Prototype, 211–223
and Ajax, 212–220
scripting with, 223
Yahoo User Interface Library (YUI), 201–211
connection handling with, 209–211
Connection Manager, 202–211
features of, 206–208
file uploading with, 208–209
“Hello World” example, 205–206
request syntax, 203–205
response syntax, 205
Ajax response cache, 273–275
AjaxBank, 322, 323
AjaxTCR library, 179–200
and caching, 273, 537
data format handling, 189–190
DOM utility methods, 202
extensions to, 344
features summary, 196–200
file upload handling, 190
and outputTarget, 188
request control, 193–194
request status, 190–193
and sending/recieving data, 186–188
statusIndicator object, 344
utility functions, 194–196
and Yahoo User Interface Library, 179
AjaxTCR.comm, 197, 273
AjaxTCR.data, 201
AjaxTCR.storage, 536
AjaxTCR.util, 416
Alert, 88
Allow header, 592
AND operators, 570, 571
Animated rollovers, 16
Animation Manager, 213
Appid value, 386
Application architecture, 407 (See also specific
topics, e.g.: Templates)
Application/x-shockwave-flash, 606
Applied history, 467–472

Architecture (See also specific topics, e.g.: Templates)
application, 407
coupled, 476
decoupled, 476
loose coupling, 476
for ratings system, 412–418
site, 407
tight coupling, 476–478
Web, 14
Argument property, 204, 205
Arrays, 564
in JavaScript, 564
JSON, 134
and Uniform Resource Locators, 124
Array literals, 563–564
Array object, 562
Associative array format, 559
Async property, 224
Asynchronous JavaScript and HTML (See Ajah)
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (See Ajax)
Asynchronous options, 214
Asynchronous requests, 77–79
AttachEvent method, 43
Authentication, 301–312
built-in, 309
cross-browser solution for, 309–310
digest, 309
in Firefox browser, 100
form-cookie authentication, 310–312
HTTP authentication, 302–310
built-in authentication, 309
cross-browser solution for, 309–310
digest authentication, 309
“in the clear,” 307–308
“in the clear,” 307–308
in Internet Explorer, 101
in Opera, 100
support for, 100
with XHR, 99–101
Authorization header, 594
Auto search, 384–386
Auto validation, 386–394
Auto-completion (auto-suggestion), 378–384
Auto-decrement operator, 569
Auto-increment operator, 569
Auto-suggestion (auto-completion), 378–384
of clients, 257
of server, 256–257

Back button, 452–458
Base64 binary responses, 169–171
Base64 encoding, 140
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