AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 637

BeforeSend property, 224
Binary bridge, 516, 517
Binary operators, 570–571
Binary responses, 169–173
base64, 169–171
file responses, 173
URI, 171–173
Binary socket bridge, 485, 523–526
Bitwise operators, 570–571
Blocks, 575
Blocks (JavaScript), 575
Bookmark tag, 164
Bookmarking, 473–474
Bookmarklist tag, 164
Boolean data type, 556
Boolean method, 558
Boolean object, 562
Br tags, 190
Break statement, 576, 577
Browser caches, 270–273
emitting respone headers, 271
and If-Modified-Since header, 271–272
and unique URLs, 271
Browser History Manager, 213
browser support (See Cross-browser issues)
Browsers modifications, 244–245
Brute force tree walking algorithm, 159–160
Built-in authentication, 309
Built-in objects, ECMAScript, 562–565
array literals, 563–564
function literals, 565
regular expression literals, 565

Cache method, 441
Cache-Control, 590
Caching, 270–275
and Ajax, 8
Ajax response cache, 273–275
and AjaxTCR library, 273, 537
browser caches, 270–273
emitting respone headers, 271
and If-Modified-Since header,
and unique URLs, 271
client-side templates, 440–441
and emitting response headers, 271
and headers
emitting response, 271
If-Modified-Since, 271–272
and If-Modified-Since headers,
templates, 440–441

and unique URLs, 271
Yahoo on, 270
Callback functions, 7, 181, 192
progress, 192
Prototype, 215, 237
in UI, 203–204
Callback property, 203
Carriage return linefeed (CRLF), 121, 587
Catch block, 582
CData, 555
Channel property, 108
Character classes, 584
Character limits, 20, 21
Character sets, 21, 115–118
Chat, 527–528
Chat (Web), 527–528
CheckKey, 380
CheckScroll, 397
Class, 561
Clear, 222
ClearDelete, 358
“Click-to-edit,” 360–366
Client availability, 257
Client Capabilities, 258
Client-side error handler, 50–52
Client-side templates, 434–445
applying, 437–440, 442–445
caching, 440–441
mechanisms for, 442
server rendering for, 441–442
in strings, 441
syntax for, 434–437
Closures, 7, 110–113, 580
Comet, 280–281, 514–518
binary socket bridge, 523–526
impact of, 528–529
long slow loading, 520–523
for polling, 518–520
server event listeners, 526–527
Web chat with, 527–528
Comma-separated value (CSV), 148–149
JavaScript, 583–586
and script tags, 584
XHTML, 583
Communications patterns:
in Ajax, 4
in JavaScript, 4, 49–50
Complete property, 224
Composite types, 556, 559–562
instance properties, 561
and methods, 559
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