AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

638 Ajax: The Complete Reference

Composite types (Continued)
object creation, 560
and OOP, 561
passing, 580
and this statement, 561–562
Compressed responses, 262
Compression, HTTP, 261–264
Conditional statements, 576
CONNECT method, 589
Connection handling, 209–211
Connection header, 590
Connection Manager, Connection Manager (YUI)
Connection Manager (YUI), 202–211
Connection rates, 257–258
Constants, 180, 568
Content error handling, 238–240
Content optimization, 264–270
with Ajax, 264–270
CSS optimization, 266–267
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
markup optimization, 264–265
Content-Encoding header, 592
Content-Language header, 592
Content-Length header, 106, 592
Content-Location header, 592
Content-MD5 header, 592
Content-Range header, 592
Content-Type header, 592, 598, 605–607
and XML, 8
in YUI, 207
ContentType options, 214
ContentType property, 224
Continue statement, 577
Cookies, 534
and images, 37–39
and two-way communication, 37–39
Cookie header, 30, 594
Cookie-based transport, 30–32
Coupled architecture, 476
loose, 476
tight, 476–478
Crackers, 284
Create Read Update Delete (CRUD), 445
CreateElement, 131, 194
CreateTextNode, 131
CreateXHR, 73
CRLF (See Carriage return linefeed)
Cross site request forgery (CSRF),
293, 322–328
defeating, 327–328
on JSON, 324–326
on JSONP, 324, 326–327

Cross-browser issues:
for ActiveX, 62
with ActiveX, 64–73
HTTP authentication, 309–310
JavaScript support, 552–554
with XHR, 64–74, 108
with ActiveX, 64–73
wrapper function, 73–74
for XML, 154–155
for XMLHttpRequest (XHR), 62, 67–72
Cross-site scripting (XSS), 292, 312–320
HTTP-only cookies, 315–316
XHR hijacking with, 316–320
CRUD (Create Read Update Delete), 445
CSRF (See Cross site request forgery)
CSS optimization, 266–267
CSS Templates, 213
CSV (comma-separated value), 148–149

Data formats, 115–173
in AjaxTCR library, 189–190
base64, 169–171
binary responses, 169–173
base64, 169–171
file responses, 173
URI, 171–173
character sets, 115–118
choosing, 118–121
CSV (comma-separated value), 148–149
data islands, 167–169
for encoding/decoding requests, 119
for encoding/decoding responses, 119–120
file attachments, 142–145
file responses, 173
and form serialization, 126–128
fragments, 146–147
handling, 189–190
JavaScript response format, 150–151
JSON, 132–136, 151–152
markup fragments, 146–147
and object serialization, 128–129
request formats, 121–145
response formats, 146–169
binary responses, 169–173
CSV (comma-separated value),
data islands, 167–169
file responses, 173
fragments, 146–147
JavaScript, 150–151
JSON, 151–152
markup fragments, 146–147
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