AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 639

script responses, 150–152
text fragments, 146–147
text responses, 146–150
and XML, 152–163
and XPath, 160–163
and XSLT (eXtensible Style
Language Transformations),
YAML, 149–150
script responses, 150–152
security considerations for, 120
and serialization
form, 126–128
object, 128–129
for standard encoding (x-www-form-
urlencoded format), 121–129
extension of, 122–125
for form serialization, 126–128
for object serialization, 128–129
text fragments, 146–147
text responses, 146–150
transmission considerations for, 120–121
URI responses, 171–173
and XML, 152–163
XML data format, 129–132
and XPath, 160–163
and XSLT (eXtensible Style Language
Transformations), 163–167
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language),
136–142, 149–150
encoded text, 140–142
plain text, 138–139
Data islands, 167–169
Data property, 224
Data submission, in iFrames, 29–30
Data types:
composite types, 556, 559–562
instance properties, 561
object creation, 560
and OOP, 561
and this statement, 561–562
ECMAScript built-in objects, 562–565
array literals, 563–564
function literals, 565
regular expression literals, 565
JavaScript, 556–565
composite types, 556, 559–562
ECMAScript built-in objects, 562–565
primitive types, 556
type conversion, 557–559
Datafield attributes, 167
DataSource utility, 213
DataType property, 224
Date header, 590

Date object, 560, 562
Debugging tools, 589
DecodeURI, 563
DecodeURIComponent, 563
Decoding and encoding (See under Encoding/
Decoupled architecture, 476
Delay parameter, 20
DELETE method, 588
Delete operator, 572
DeleteItem, 358
Detailed status indicators, 342–348
Development, of Ajax, 12–14
Dictionary attack, 291
Digest authentication, 309
Div tags, 6, 9, 112, 113, 378
Division operator, 569
Do while loop, 577
Document Object Model (See DOM)
Document Type Definition (DTD), 96,
155–156, 159
Document.cookie, 530
Document.domain, 243–244
Document.write method, 581
Dojo, 229–230
DOM (Document Object Model):
and jQuery, 225
and responseXML, 94
XML, 130, 157–160
DOM Collection, 213
DOM storage (native browser storage), 534
DOM utilities, 178, 202
Domain property, 300
Dot operator, 559, 561
Drag and Drop utility, 213
Drag-and-drop, 367–377
DTD (See Document Type Definition)

ECMAScript 262 specification, 551
built-in objects, 562–565
array literals, 563–564
function literals, 565
regular expression literals, 565
reserved words in, 566
ECMAScript Edition 1, 552
ECMAScript Edition 2, 552
ECMAScript Edition 3, 552
ECMAScript Edition 4, 552, 567
ECMAScript for XML (E4X), 552
E4X (ECMAScript for XML), 552
Element utility, 213
Empty string value, 557
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