AJAX - The Complete Reference

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640 Ajax: The Complete Reference

EnablePrivilege method, 11
Encoded text, in YAML, 140–142
EncodeObject, 123
EncodeURI, 563
EncodeURIComponent, 122, 563
base64, 140
in image dimensions, 36–37
JavaScript, 296–298
security issues with, 296–298
standard (See Standard encoding)
and two-way communication, 36–37
Encoding options, 214
requests, 119
responses, 119–120
Encryption, 298
Enctype, 119
Endless iFrame (See Slow load)
Entity headers, 589
Equality operator, 573
Erorr logs, 53
correction of, 14, 231
with eval, 582
in JavaScript, 581
layer 8 form, 14
syntax, 581
user interface for, 348–352
Error exception, 582
Error handler:
content error handling, 238–240
JavaScript for, 50–52
server error handling, 235–238
Error object, 562
Error property, 224
Escape, 122, 563
Escape codes, 585
EscapeHTML, 222
Etag header, 603
Eval, 563, 582
EvalError exception, 582
EvalJSON, 222
Event handling, 178
in Firefox browser, 105–107
in JavaScript, 43
Event utility, 213
Exceptions, 581–582
!!value, 558
Expect header, 594
Expires header, 592
Extensible Markup Language (See XML)
EXtensible Style Language Transformations
(See XSLT)

Extension headers, 589
External files, 11, 555
External scripts, 301

Fallback, 425–427
False login (phishing), 292
False value, 557, 573
Fast polls, 516–520
Fiddler, 288, 589
Field manipulation, 290
FIFO (first-in-first-out), 273
File attachments, 142–145
File extensions, 607
File responses, 173
File uploads and uploading:
in AjaxTCR library, 190
with iFrames, 45–49
with Yahoo User Interface Library (YUI),
Finally block, 582
FinishRequest, 359
Firebug, 319, 589
Firefox browser:
authentication in, 100
event handlers in, 105–107
Firebug, 589
JavaScript 1.5 guide, 551
and JavaScript arrays, 564
and MIME, 104, 154
offline Web Services with, 545–548
running scripts locally with, 11
script tag in, 554
security issues, 11
and XHR, 73, 105–108
First, 222
FirstChild, 188
First-in-first-out (FIFO), 273
5XX status code, 235, 598
500 status code, 601
501 status code, 601
502 status code, 601
503 status code, 90, 601
504 status code, 180, 237, 601
505 status code, 601
Flags, 583
Flash cross domain bridge, 496–500
Flash storage, 534
Flickr Web Service, 485–490
For loop, 568, 577, 578
Forceful browsing, 290
For/in loop, 578
Form posts, 23–30
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