AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 641

Form serialization, 126–128
Form-cookie authentication, 310–312
Forwarding of URLs, 490–492
4 value, 88
4XX status code, 235, 598
400 status code, 599
401 status code, 100, 303–305, 310, 599
402 status code, 599
403 status code, 600
404 status code, 600
405 status code, 600
406 status code, 600
407 status code, 600
408 status code, 180, 237, 600
409 status code, 600
410 status code, 600
411 status code, 600
412 status code, 600
413 status code, 601
414 status code, 601
415 status code, 601
499 response, 597
Fragments, 146–147
From header, 594
Full-site Ajax, 451–474
and back button, 452–458
and bookmarking, 473–474
and history, 458–472
Function, 581
Function literals, 565, 580
Function object, 562
in JavaScript, 579–581
scope of, 580

Garrett, Jesse James, 12–13
General headers, 589
JavaScript, 578–579
Python, 578
GET method, 21, 588
GET request, 6, 23, 79–81
GetAllResponseHeaders, 62, 86, 97
GetAttribute, 159
GetElementById, 6, 94, 157–159
GetElementsByClassName, 221
GetElementsByTagName, 157
GetResponseHeaders, 62, 86, 97
Global object, 562, 563
Global objects, 213
Global property, 224
Gmail, 13
Google AJAXSLT, 166

Google Gears, 529, 537–545
Google Maps, 13, 513
Google Search API, 508–510
Google Web Toolkit (GWT), 478
Google’s Gmail, 13
Graveful degradation, 408
GWT (Google Web Toolkit), 478

Hackers, 284
HandlePartialResponse, 106
HandleProgress, 105
HandleResponse, 8, 43
Hash marks, 460
HEAD method, 588
HEAD request, 84–86
Headers (See also specific types, e.g.:
Content-Type header)
custom, 604–605
HTTP, 589
entity headers, 590, 592
general headers, 590, 591
request headers, 591, 593–597
HTTP response headers, 602–605
request, 82–84
problems with, 83–84
security issues, 83
custom, 604–605
HTTP, 602–605
security issues, 83
XHR, 82–84
“Hello World” example:
with Ajax, 11–12
Prototype, 216–217
with Yahoo User Interface Library,
Hex values, 121
applied history, 467–472
exposure of, 320–322
and full-site Ajax, 458–472
security issues with, 320–322
History, of Ajax, 12–14
Host header, 594
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 555
HTTP 0.9, 587
HTTP 1.0, 587
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) 1.1, 587–607
authentication, 302–310
headers, 589–597
methods, 588–589
and MIME type value, 605–607
query string limits, 20
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