AJAX - The Complete Reference

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642 Ajax: The Complete Reference

HTTP (Continued)
requests, 587–588
response headers, 602–605
responses, 597–602
on simultaneous connections, 243
HTTP authentication, 100, 194, 302–310
built-in authentication, 309
cross-browser solution for, 309–310
digest authentication, 309
“in the clear,” 307–308
in Internet Explorer, 101
support for, 100
HTTP Basic Authentication, 99
HTTP compression, 261–264
HTTP debugging tools, 589
HTTP GET (See GET request)
HTTP headers, 589
and Ajax libraries, 597
entity headers, 589, 590, 592
extension headers, 589
general headers, 589–591
request headers, 589, 591, 593–597
response headers, 589
on server side, 8
HTTP methods, 588–589
HTTP POST (See POST method)
HTTP requests, 587–588
HTTP responses, 597–602
HTTP-Method, 588
HTTP-only cookies, 315–316
HTTP-version, 588, 597
HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 555
Hypertext Transport Protocol (See under HTTP)

IceBrowser, 74
Iconv, 117
Identifiers, 565–566
If statement, 576
If-Match header, 595
IfModified property, 224
If-Modified-Since header, 595
If-None-Match header, 595
and data submission, 29–30
endless (See Slow load)
with form posts, 23–30
and GET request, 23
hidden, 28, 29
one-way communication
with, 22–30
and POST method, 23
with query strings, 22

security issues, 333
and src tag, 22
two-way communication with, 42–49
file uploads with, 45–49
for sending/receiving, 43–45
visibility of, 28
If-Range header, 595
If-Unmodified-Since header, 595
encoding data in, 36–37
one-way communication, 18–21
and query string limits, 20–21
two-way communication with, 32–39
and cookies technique, 37–39
for encoding data, 36–37
Image object, 19, 21
Img tag, 18–19
Immediacy, 359–365, 377–378
In operator, 572
“In the clear,” 307–308
Inclusion methods, 554–555
IndexOf, 222
Inequality operator, 573
Infinity, 563
Information leakage, 285–287
Init, 461
Innerbrowsing, 13
InnerHTML, 147, 216
In-page Ajax, 411–412
InQueue, 247
InsertAfter, 188
InsertionType, 188, 218
Instance properties, 561
Instanceof operator, 572
Instantiation, XHR, 64
Interface widgets, 213
Internet Explorer:
and ActiveX, 130
authentication in, 101
behaviors in, 534
Client Capabilities, 258
div tags in, 113
HTTP authentication in, 101
and JScript, 554
and MIME, 104, 154, 607
and MSXML, 64
readyState in, 107
registry settings, 244
running scripts locally with, 11
security issues, 11
status properties in, 91–92
and XHR ActiveX object, 13
and XHRs, 66, 73, 91
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