AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 643

IsFinite, 563
IsNaN, 563
ISO-8859-1 format, 117
Iterators, 578–579

Japanese characters, 21
Java, 13
JavaScript, 15–59, 551–586
and Ajax, 13–14
arrays, 564
arrays in, 564
blocks, 575
characteristics of, 551–552
in client-side error handler, 50–52
comments, 583–586
communications patterns, 4, 49–50
composite types, 556, 559–562
conditional statements, 576
conformance of, 552–554
constants in, 180, 568
cookie-based transport, 30–32
cross-browser issues, 552–554
data types, 556–565
composite types, 556, 559–562
ECMAScript built-in objects, 562–565
primitive types, 556
type conversion, 557–559
debugging tools, 589
ECMAScript built-in objects, 562–565
encoding, 296–298
encrypting, 298
event handling in, 43
example applications, 50–59
client-side error handler, 50–52
offsite link monitoring, 53–55
ratings system, 55–58
RSS reader, 58–59
exceptions in, 581–582
external scripts, 301
and Firefox, 564
functions, 579–581
generators, 578–579
identifiers, 565–566
one-way communication with, 22–30
two-way communication with, 42–49
one-way communication with, 18–21
two-way communication with, 32–39
inclusion methods, 554–555
iterators, 578–579
Java vs., 13

language fundamentals of, 551–554
location, 23
loops, 577–578
break, 577
continue, 577
labeled statements, 577–578
obfuscation, 295–296
object iteration, 578
objects in, 564
for offsite link monitoring, 53–55
for one-way communication, 15–32
204 response approach, 23
cookie-based transport, 30–32
iFrames, 22–30
image objects, 18–21
and location, 23
script tags, 22–23
style sheets, 23
one-way communication with, 23
operators, 568–575
arithmetic operators, 569
assignment operators, 569–571
associativity of, 574–575
bitwise operators, 569
comma operators, 572
conditional operators, 571
logical operators, 571
precedence of, 574–575
relational operators, 573–574
type operators, 571–572
primitive types, 556
protection, 294–295
for ratings system, 55–58
ratings system in, 55–58
reference for, 551
references for, 551
regular expressions, 582–583
reserved words, 566–567
response formats, 150–151
for RSS reader, 58–59
same-origin policy, 12, 298–301
scope in, 567–568
script responses, 150–151
script tags
one-way communication with, 22–23
two-way communication with, 39–40
security issues, 294–301
encoding, 296–298
encrypting, 298
external scripts, 301
obfuscation, 295–296
protection, 294–295
same-origin policy, 298–301
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