AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

644 Ajax: The Complete Reference

JavaScript (Continued)
with statement, 581
statements, 575
style sheets
one-way communication with, 23
two-way communication with, 40–42
syntax errors in, 581
for two-way communication, 32–49
iFrames, 42–49
with images, 32–39
script tags, 39–40
style sheets, 40–42
type conversion, 557–559
variables, 567–568
and constants, 568
variable scope, 567–568
versions of, 552–554
and XHR, 3
JavaScript 1.0, 553
JavaScript 1.1, 553
JavaScript 1.2, 553
JavaScript 1.3, 553
JavaScript 1.5, 553
guide for, 551
reserved words for, 566
JavaScript 1.6, 553
JavaScript 1.7, 553, 564
generators and iterators, 578–579
let statement in, 568
JavaScript 1.8, 553, 579
JavaScript 2.0, 553, 566
JavaScript libraries, 109
JavaScript Object Notation (See JSON)
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
jQuery, 223–229
and Ajax, 223–228
communication parameters for, 224
and DOM, 225
strengths and weaknesses of, 228–229
.Js files, 555
JScript, 554
JScript 1.0, 554
JScript 3.0, 554
JScript 5.0, 554
JScript 5.5, 554
JScript 5.6, 554
JScript 5.7, 554
JScript.NET, 554, 566
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):
arrays in, 134
and cookie-based transport, 30
and cross site request forgery, 324–326
data format, 132–136

number values in, 134
objects in, 134
ratings system example, 135
response formats, 151–152
script responses, 151–152
security issues, 324–326
serializeForm in, 189
strings in, 133
and cross site request forgery, 324, 326–327
security issues, 324, 326–327

Keep-Alive header, 603

Labeled statements, 577–578
LastChild, 188
Last-Modified header, 592
Layer 8, 14, 231
information, 285–287
memory, 110, 112–113
Least frequently used (LFU), 273
Left shift operator, 570
Let statement, 568
Lexicographic comparisons, 573–574
LFU (least frequently used), 273
Libraries (See also specific types, e.g.: Ajax libraries)
JavaScript, 109
and XHR, 109
YAML, 196
Link tag, 23, 275
Links, 53–55
“click-to-edit,” 364–366
draggable, 373–377
array, 563–564
function, 565, 580
object, 560
regular expression, 565
and Comet, 520–523
progressive, 395–400
Location, 23, 603
Logger facility, 213
Logical operators, 571
Long polls, 516, 517, 520
Long slow loading, 520–523
Loops, 577–578
break, 577
continue, 577
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