AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 645

JavaScript, 577–578
break, 577
continue, 577
labeled statements, 577–578
labeled statements, 577–578
and var statement, 568
Loose coupling, 476

Mark Nottingham Caching Tutorials, 270
Markup fragments, 146–147
Markup optimization, 264–265
Mash-up, 511–514
Math object, 562
Max-Forwards header, 595
Memory leaks:
and closures, 110, 112–113
and XHR, 110–113
Meta tags, 116
Method options, 214
Method property, 203
and composite types, 559
HTTP, 588–589
in JavaScript, 554–555
of XHR, 62–63
MSDN, 551
Outlook Web Access, 13
on scripting, 551
and XHR ActiveX object, 13
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions):
in Firefox browser, 104, 154
and HTTP, 605–607
and Internet Explorer, 104, 154, 607
management of, 102–103
and Opera, 154, 606
registered types, 605–606
and responseXML, 95, 607
and Safari, 154
and XHR, 607
and XHR object, 102–103
and XHTML, 606
and XML, 607

  • operator, 569
    -- operator, 569
    Mochikit, 230
    Model View Controller (MVC), 430, 476
    Modulus operator, 569
    MooTools, 230
    Mozilla Firefox browser (See Firefox browser)
    MSDN, on scripting, 551

MSXML, 64–65
Multipart responses, 103–105
Multiple requests, 241–245
browser modifications for, 244–245
document.domain, 243–244
and multiplexing, 245
two-connection limit, 243–245
browser modifications for, 244–245
document.domain, 243–244
and multiplexing, 245
Multiplexing, 245
Multiplication operator, 569
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(See MIME)
MVC (See Model View Controller)

NaN, 563
Native browser access, 485, 517
Native browser storage (DOM storage), 534
Native server-event monitoring, 516
Negation operators, 570, 571
object, 11
Network activity, 337–348
Ajax applications activity indicators, 340–342
detailed status indicators, 342–348
web pattern activity indicators, 337–339
Networking issues, 231–281
Ajax response cache, 273–275
browser caches, 270–273
caching, 270–275
Ajax response cache, 273–275
browser caches, 270–273
client availability, 257
connection rates, 257–258
content error handling, 238–240
content optimization, 264–270
CSS optimization, 266–267
HTTP compression, 261–264
issues concerning, 231–232
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
markup optimization, 264–265
and multiple requests, 241–245
browser modifications for, 244–245
document.domain, 243–244
and multiplexing, 245
two-connection limit, 243–245
content, 264–270
CSS, 266–267
JavaScript, 267–269
markup, 264–265
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