AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

646 Ajax: The Complete Reference

Networking issues (Continued)
order, of requests, 250–254
performance improvement with Ajax,
content optimization, 264–270
CSS optimization, 266–267
HTTP compression, 261–264
JavaScript optimization, 267–269
markup optimization, 264–265
precaching, 275–276
race conditions, 254–256
request queues, 245–250
retries, 233–235
server availability, 256–257
server error handling, 235–238
timeouts, 232–233
tracking network conditions, 258–261
and XHR, 108
New operator, 572
NodeFromID, 158
Nonempty strings, 557
Nonzero number value, 557
Noscript tag, 554
Null data type, 556
Null value, 557
Number data type, 556
Number method, 558
Number object, 559, 562
Number values, 134

Obfuscation, 295–296
creation of, 560
ECMAScript, 562–565
in JavaScript, 564
in JSON, 134
and Uniform Resource Locators, 124
Object iteration, 578
Object literals, 560
Object object, 562
Object serialization, 128–129
Object-oriented programming (OOP), 561
Obj.toString, 558
Obj.valueOf, 558
Oddpost, 13
Offline Web Services, 529–548
with Firefox 3, 545–548
and Google Gears, 537–545
persistent storage, 529–535
problems with, 535, 537
Offsite links, 53–55
OnClick, 6

OnComplete, 215
OnCreate, 190, 215
1 value, 88
1XX status code, 235, 598
100 status code, 598
101 status code, 598
Onerror, 50, 63, 107
One-way communication:
204 response approach, 23
cookie-based transport, 30–32
iFrames, 22–30
and data submission, 29–30
with form posts, 23–30
with query strings, 22
image objects, 18–21
with JavaScript, 15–32
204 response approach, 23
cookie-based transport, 30–32
iFrames, 22–30
image objects, 18–21
and location, 23
script tags, 22–23
style sheets, 23
and location, 23
script tags, 22–23
style sheets, 23
OnException, 215
OnFailure, 214, 215
OnInteractive, 215
Onload, 63
OnLoaded, 215
OnLoading, 190, 215
OnOpen, 190
OnProgress, 105–107
Onprogress, 63
Onreadystatechange, 62, 89
OnReceived, 190
OnRetry, 234
OnSent, 190
OnStatusCode handlers, 214, 215
OnSuccess, 214, 215
On200, 214
OnUninitialized, 215
OOP (object-oriented programming), 561
Open method, 6, 63
authentication in, 100
and MIME, 154, 606
readyState in, 88, 91
and XHR, 73
Operators (See also specific types, e.g.: AND
arithmetic operators, 569
assignment operators, 569–571
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