AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 647

associativity of, 574–575
bitwise operators, 569
comma operators, 572
conditional operators, 571
in JavaScript, 568–575
logical operators, 571
precedence of, 574–575
relational operators, 573–574
lexicographic comparisons, 573–574
type conversion in, 573
type operators, 571–572
content, 264–270
CSS, 266–267
JavaScript, 267–269
markup, 264–265
Options, 214
OPTIONS method, 588
Or operators, 570, 571
Outlook Web Access, 13
OutputTarget, 188
OverrideMimeType, 63, 103, 607

Parameters options, 214
Parseerror, 154
ParseFloat, 558, 563
ParseInt, 558, 563
ParseQuery, 222
Partial responses, 106–107
Password security, 307
Payload Explorer, 278
Persistent storage, 529–535
Phishing (false login), 292
Photo Viewer, 402
PHP, 8
and base64, 141
server-side environment of, 255
and 200 status code, 238
PICS, 605
Ping, 92
Plain text, 138–139
+ operator, 569
++ operator, 569
+ value, 558
Poison upload, 290
Polling, 518–520
POST method, 588
and character limits, 21
and iFrames, 23
and standard encoding, 130
with YUI, 207
POST request, 81–84

PostBody options, 214
PostData property, 203
Pragma header, 590
Precaching (prefetching), 275–276
Primitive types, 556
ProcessData property, 224
Progress callback functions, 192
ProgressInterval, 32
Progressive enhancement, 408
Progressive loading, 395–400
Prototype, 211–223
and Ajax, 212–220
callbacks, 215, 237
disadvantages of, 222
facilities, 220–222
“Hello World” example, 216–217
request options, 214
scripting with, 223
for updates, 218
Proxy, 484
Proxy servers, 588
Proxy-Authenticate header, 603
Proxy-Authorization header, 595
P3P headers, 605
Public header, 603
Public Web Services, 508–511
Push method, 248
Push-style communications, 516–518, 534
PUT method, 588
generators in, 578
Twisted engine, 529

Query strings:
and iFrames, 22
limits for, 20
limits to, 20–21
Queues, request, 245–250

Race conditions, 254–256
Radio buttons, 15
Range header, 596
RangeError exception, 582
Ratings system, 15–18, 412–418
with Ajax, 412–418
architecture for, 412–418
in JavaScript, 55–58
JavaScript for, 55–58
JSON, 135
user interface for, 15–16
widget for, 413–418, 427–430
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