AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

648 Ajax: The Complete Reference

ReadyState, 8, 62, 86–90
control of, 89–90
4 value for, 88
in Internet Explorer, 107
in Opera, 88, 91
partial responses with, 106–107
values for, 88
0 value for, 88
Reason-string, 597
Receiving and sending data (See Sending/
receiving data)
ReferenceError exception, 582
Referer header, 328, 596
Refresh rates, 103
RegExp, 562, 565, 586
Registry settings, 244
Regular expression literals, 565
Regular expressions:
advanced, 585
character classes, 584
escape codes, 585
flags, 583
JavaScript, 582–583
repetition quantifiers, 584
Relational operators, 573–574
lexicographic comparisons, 573–574
type conversion in, 573
Remote scripting, 13
Repetition quantifiers, 584
Representational State Transfer (REST), 302
asynchronous, 77–79
encoding/decoding, 119
GET, 79–81
HEAD request, 84–86
HTTP, 587–588
management of, 109
multiple, 243–245
multiplexing, 245
order of, 250–254
POST request, 81–84
synchronous, 74–77
and two-connection limit, 243–245
XHR, 74–79
in XHR, 77–79
Request controls, 193–194
Request Explorer, 86
Request formats, 121–145
Request headers, 589
problems with, 83–84
security issues, 83
and XHR, 82–84
Request queues, 245–250
Request status, 190–193

Request syntax, 203–205
RequestHeaders options, 214
RequestQueue, 247, 248
Reserved words, 566–567
Resource-identifier, 588
204 No Data response, 92
base64, 169–171
binary, 169–173
compressed, 262
encoding/decoding, 119–120
file responses, 173
HTTP, 597–602
and MIME types, 95
multipart, 103–105
partial, 106–107
processing, 160–163
readyState, 86–90
with readyState, 106–107
responseXML, 92–97
benefits of, 96–97
challenges with, 95–97
and MIME types, 95
validity of, 95–96
statusText, 90–92
204 No Data response, 92
unusual values of, 91–92
transforming, with XSLT, 163–167
URI, 171–173
XHR, 86–97, 103–105
readyState, 86–90
responseText, 92
responseXML, 92–97
statusText, 90–92
XML, 152–154
XPath, 160–163
and XPath, 160–163
and XSLT, 163–167
Response formats, 146–169
binary responses, 169–173
base64, 169–171
file responses, 173
URI, 171–173
CSV (comma-separated value), 148–149
data islands, 167–169
file responses, 173
fragments, 146–147
JavaScript, 150–151
JSON, 151–152
markup fragments, 146–147
script responses, 150–152
JavaScript, 150–151
JSON, 151–152
and XML, 152–163
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