AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 649

text fragments, 146–147
text responses, 146–150
CSV (comma-separated value),
fragments, 146–147
markup fragments, 146–147
text fragments, 146–147
YAML, 149–150
and XML, 152–163
and XPath, 160–163
and XSLT, 163–167
YAML, 149–150
Response headers, 589
custom, 604–605
HTTP, 602–605
Response syntax, 205
ResponseBody, 108
ResponseOutput, 226
ResponseStream, 108
ResponseText, 62, 92, 105, 146
ResponseXML, 62, 92–97, 146
benefits of, 96–97
challenges with, 95–97
and DOM tree, 94
and MIME, 95, 607
and MIME types, 95
validity of, 95–96
REST (Representational State Transfer), 302
Retries, 233–235
Retry-After header, 603
Return statement, 579
RFC 1945, 587
RFC 2616, 587
RIAs (Rich Internet Applications), 13
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), 13
Right shift, 570
Rollovers, animated, 16
RSS readers, 58–59
Ruby on Rails, 211, 477
Running, locally:
Ajax, 11–12
problems with, 607
Russell, Alex, 515

and MIME, 154
and XHR, 73
Same-origin check, 298, 299
Same-origin policy (SOP), 12, 298–301
and cross domain access, 500
exceptions to, 300–301
security issues with, 298–301

Schema (XSD), 155, 159
of functions, 580
in JavaScript, 567–568
variable, 567–568
Screen scraping, 392, 505–508
Script responses, 150–152
JavaScript, 150–151
JSON, 151–152
and XML, 152–163
Script tags, 40
and comments, 584
and external files, 11, 555
in Firefox browser, 554
with inlined code, 555
and .js files, 555
one-way communication with, 22–23
src property in, 22
two-way communication with, 39–40
and Web Services, 492–496
Script tag workaround, 484
Script.aculo.us, 211, 223
external, 301
Microsoft MSDN on, 551
with Prototype, 223
remote, 13
XSS (See Cross-site scripting)
Search, automatic, 384–386
Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 120, 308–310
Security issues, 283–334
in Ajax, 293–294, 301–312
authentication, 301–312
and Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
authentication, 301–312
form-cookie authentication, 310–312
HTTP authentication, 302–310
cross site request forgery (CSRF), 322–328
defeating, 327–328
on JSON, 324–326
on JSONP, 324, 326–327
cross-site scripting (XSS), 312–320
HTTP-only cookies, 315–316
XHR hijacking with, 316–320
with data formats, 120
with Firefox, 11
form-cookie authentication, 310–312
history, exposure of, 320–322
HTTP authentication, 302–310
HTTP-only cookies, 315–316
iFrames, 333
information leakage, 285–287
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