AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 651

Subspace, 333, 496
Subtraction operator, 569
Success property, 224
.Swf extension, 524, 606
SWFObject, 499
Switch statement, 576
Synchronous JavaScript and Text (Sjat), 76
Synchronous requests, 74–77
Syntax errors, in JavaScript, 581
SyntaxError exception, 582

Table tag, 164
TCP (Transport Control Protocol), 587
TE header, 596
caching, 440–441
client-side, 434–445
applying, 437–440, 442–445
caching, 440–441
mechanisms for, 442
server rendering for, 441–442
in strings, 441
syntax for, 434–437
CSS Templates, 213
leveraging, 430–434
mechanisms for, 442
server rendering for, 441–442
in strings, 441
syntax for, 434–437
usage patterns for, 442–443
encoded, 140–142
fragments, 146–147
plain, 138–142
Text responses, 146–150
CSV (comma-separated value), 148–149
fragments, 146–147
markup fragments, 146–147
text fragments, 146–147
YAML, 149–150
Textarea field, 25
Text/html, 148
Text/plain, 102, 148, 607
Text/xml, 102
This statement, 561–562
3 value:
for readystate, 88
3XX status code, 235, 598
300 status code, 599
301 status code, 599
302 status code, 599
303 status code, 599

304 status code, 599
305 status code, 599
384 response, 597
Throw, 582
Tight coupling, 476–478
Time to first byte (TTFB), 263
Time to last byte (TTLB), 263
Timeouts, 232–233
Timeout property, 224
TimeoutTimerID, 233
TLS (Transport Layer Security), 308
To-Do List (example), 355–359, 474–475
ToJSONString, 135
TRACE method, 588
Tracking, of network conditions, 258–261
Trailer header, 591
Transfer-Encoding header, 591
Transmission data formats, 120–121
Transport Control Protocol (TCP), 587
Transport Layer Security (TLS), 308
Transports, 418–424
True value, 557
Try-catch blocks, 6, 11, 107, 348
Try/catch/finally structure, 582
Try.these, 221
TTFB (time to first byte), 263
TTLB (time to last byte), 263
Twisted engine, 529
2 value, 88
2XX status code, 235, 598
200 status code, 8, 238, 598
201 status code, 598
202 status code, 598
203 status code, 598
204 No Data response, 92
204 status code, 22, 23, 598
205 status code, 599
206 status code, 599
Two-way communication, 32–49
iFrames, 42–49
file uploads with, 45–49
for sending/receiving, 43–45
with images, 32–39
and cookies technique, 37–39
dimensions of, 36–37
for encoding data, 36–37
with JavaScript, 32–49
script tags, 39–40
style sheets, 40–42
Type conversions:
in JavaScript, 557–559
in relational operators, 573
Type property, 224
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