AJAX - The Complete Reference

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652 Ajax: The Complete Reference

TypeError exception, 582
Typeof operator, 559
Type-related operators, 572

UI (See User interface)
Uncompressed responses, 262
Undefined, 557, 563, 579
Undefined data type, 556
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs):
and Ajax, 14
arrays sent in, 124
forwarding, 490–492
in HTTP requests, 588
objects sent in, 124
in proxy servers, 588
and Web Services, 490–492
Unscape, 563
Updater, 218
Upgrade header, 591
Uploads and uploading:
in AjaxTCR library, 190
with iFrames, 45–49
with Yahoo User Interface Library (YUI),
Uptime checker, 36
length of, 20, 21
responses, 171–173
URIError exception, 582
URL forwarding, 484
URL property, 203
Url property, 224, 227
URLs (See Uniform Resource Locators)
User interface (UI), 335–405
for accessibility, 403–405
Ajax, 14
auto search, 384–386
auto validation, 386–394
auto-completion (auto-suggestion),
callback functions in, 203–204
for change, 352–355
“click-to-edit,” 360–366
drag-and-drop, 367–377
for errors/problems, 348–352
examples of, 401–403
and immediacy/speed, 359–365, 377–378
implications of, for Ajax, 335–337
improvements in, 109
and network activity, 337–348
Ajax applications activity indicators,

detailed status indicators, 342–348
web pattern activity indicators,
previewing, 394–395
progressive loading, 395–400
for ratings system, 15–16
for To-Do List (example),
widgets, 178
widgets for, 178, 400–401
and XHR, 109
User-Agent header, 83, 596
UseRaw, 187
UTF-8, 92, 116–118
Utility functions, 178, 194–196

automatic, 386–394
of responseXML, 95–96
of XML, 155–157
Var statement, 568
Variables, 567–568
and constants, 568
variable scope, 567–568
Variable scope, 567–568
Vary header, 604
Via header, 591
Void operator, 572

Warning header, 591
Web APIs, 511
Web architecture, 14
Web attacks:
locations for, 283–284
review of, 287–293
Web chat, 527–528
Web pattern activity indicators,
Web Services, 483
and Ajax, 483–502
Flash cross domain bridge,
script tag, 492–496
server proxy solution, 485–490
URL forwarding, 490–492
XHR cross domain access,
binary socket bridge, 485, 523–526
and Comet, 514–518
binary socket bridge, 523–526
impact of, 528–529
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