AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

Index 653

long slow loading, 520–523
for polling, 518–520
server event listeners, 526–527
Web chat with, 527–528
with Firefox 3, 545–548
Flash cross domain bridge, 496–500
impact of, 528–529
long slow loading, 520–523
mash-up, 511–514
native browser access, 485
offline, 529–548
with Firefox 3, 545–548
and Google Gears, 537–545
persistent storage, 529–535
problems with, 535, 537
for polling, 518–520
proxy, 484
publicly available, 508–511
and screen scraping, 505–508
script tag, 492–496
script tag workaround, 484
server event listeners, 526–527
server proxy solution, 485–490
and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol),
URL forwarding, 484, 490–492
Web chat with, 527–528
XHR cross domain access, 500–502
WebDav methods, 589
WhatWG group, 465, 526
While loop, 577
interface, 213
for ratings system, 413–418, 427–430
slider, 15
UI, 178
for user interface, 178, 400–401
wrapping of, 445–451
Window object, 566
Window.location, 23
Window.onerror, 52, 581
Window.onload, 55
WinInet, 91
With statement, 581
Within, 375
Without, 222
Words, reserved, 566–567
Wrapper function:
cross-browser issues with, 73–74
with object literals, 560
and special characters, 566
for widgets, 445–451
WWW-Authenticate header, 604

X- prefix, 604
XHR (See XMLHttpRequest)
comments, 583
and getElementById, 157–159
inlined script within, 555
and MIME, 606
and UTF-8, 118
and XML, 157–159
XML (Extensible Markup Language):
browser support for, 154–155
brute force tree walking algorithm for,
and Content-Type header, 8
data format, 129–132
and Document Type Definition, 155–156
DOM, 130, 157–160
and getElementById, 157–159
and MIME, 607
and partial responses, 106
and response formats, 152–163
responses, 152–154
and Schema, 155
and script responses, 152–163
validity of, 155–157
well-formed, 154–155
and XHTML, 157–159
Xml tag, 167
XMLHttpRequest (XHR), 61–114
and ActiveX, 62, 64–73
ActiveX object
and Internet Explorer, 13
and Microsoft, 13
and Outlook Web Access, 13
asynchronous requests, 77–79
authentication with, 99–101
browser support for, 62, 67–72
challenges of, 108–113
degradation of, 109
with libraries, 109
memory leaks, 110–113
network problems, 108
requests, management of, 109
user interfaces, improvements in,
control of, 97–99
cross-browser issues, 64–74, 108, 500–502
access, 500–502
with ActiveX, 64–73
and Web Services, 500–502
wrapper function, 73–74
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