Hardware Hacking - Nicolas Collins

(Brent) #1

70 Nicolas Collins

Diode orientation

Diodes are odd little devices that only allow signals to pass in one direction -- I’m
not really sure why they make such a cool sounding mixer for these circuits so I
won’t try to explain it. Which brings us neatly to Rule #16:

Rule #16: If it sounds good and doesn’t smoke, don't worry if you don’t
understand it.

Six square-wave oscillators make a wonderful din. With six photocells or
electrode pairs control is somewhat unpredictable but very “playable.” Try it.


There is a corollary of sorts to Rule #16 that is worth bearing in mind:

Rule #17: Start simple and confirm that the circuit still works after every
addition you make.

Don’t assume after you get one oscillator buzzing that you can smote the
remaining five in one blow. When you find yourself gazing down at a rat’s nest

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