Module for Phase – 2
Introductory activities
Forenoon & Afternoon Sessions
Time &
Activities/Process Support and Role of
9.30 to
10.30 a.m.
Registration for the participants of Phase- 2
training at ATI Hostel.
10.30 a.m.
1.45 p.m.
Detailed re-cap on Phase-1 training.
Presentation by the four groups on each of
the following learning units of phase-1.
- Basics of Commercial Accounting and
Balance Sheet - Discounted Cash Flow Technique and
Internal - Rate of Return
- Budget
- Capital Management
2.30 pm to
5.30 pm
- Expectations of the participants from
phase-2 training and its analysis - Briefing on the objectives and the
utility of phase 2 training - Distribution of reading materials and
group activities related to the Phase- 2
Learning Units - Visit to the Library to collect books
and journals on topics incorporated in
Phase-2 Learning Units.
Summing up of the proceedings of Day-1.
- Facilitator to analyze
the expectations of the
participants. - Facilitators to explain
the salient features of
the phase-2 training. - Facilitator to explain
how to use the reading
materials and books to
carry out the group
activities effectively. - Facilitator to assist the
participants in the
selection of books.