Day 5
Learning Unit - 6
Forenoon and Afternoon Sessions
Time &
Activities/Process Support and Role of
9.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.
Group tasks
Recap on L.U.5
Commencement of LU- 6
Faculty to make a brief presentation on the
meaning and background of derivatives as
well as option pricing models including
the black schales option pricing model and
using derivatives to reduce risk.
All groups will be asked to read the key
concepts and case studies on derivatives
provided in the reading material in LU- 6
and to respond to the questions following
the material.
Summing up of the 5th day proceedings.
As this is a new subject,
every care should be taken
to explain basic definitions
with simple examples.
Faculty may use the 7
visual aids indicated in the
handout “Instructions to
Faculty” in LU-6.