? The payments will be entered on the credit side
? The cash book will have discount column on both debit side as
well as on credit side.
o The discount is a nominal account. If discount is allowed when
receiving cash payment, it will be indicated as a loss. Cash
Account is an asset account and will appear on the debit side of
the cash book. The discount is a loss and being a nominal
account it will be debited.
o The opposite will be the transactions and postings if discount is
received at the time of making cash payment
Note: It is always better to avoid the cash transactions either in receipts or
payments. As far as possible all the transactions must undertaken through
banks to prevent fraud.
For small payments, it is advisable to maintain a Petty Cash Book instead of
burdening the main cash book.
5.1.3. Bank Column in Cash Book
? When payment is made by cheque, make entry on the credit side of the
bank column in the cash book.
? When cash paid to the Bank, cash Account shall be entered on credit side
and debited to the bank column.
? When cash is received, make entry only on the debit side of cash column.
? Each side of the cash book will have Ledger Folio Column Whenever, the
bank column and cash column are affected simultaneously, mark it as ‘C’
in L.F. Column. ‘C’ means ‘contra entry’ without necessitating further
ledger postings.
Points to note:
? When cash is drawn from Bank for office use, debit cash account and credit bank
account. Mark ‘C’ on both sides of the L.F. Column.
? Strike balance with reference to cash columns. The cash column always shows
the debit balance.
? Debit balance means cash receipts are more than cash payments. Post the debit
balance of cash to the credit side of cash column and balance it. (Similarly do it
for Bank Column separately)