? Financial Expenses
? Maintenance and depreciation
14.2. The credit balance of Profit and Loss Account shows the net profit. The
debit balance on the Profit and Loss Account shows the net loss.
- Balance Sheet
15.1. The Balance Sheet shows the following:
? How net profit influenced capital
? What is the capital made up of.
15.2. The Balance Sheet is a statement of financial position for the prescribed
accounting period in terms of Assets and Liabilities. The right hand side
shows the Asset side and left hand side shows the Liabilities side.
15.3. The assets and liabilities will be given value in terms of money.
- The assets will show how money was used.
- The liabilities will show where the money had come from.
Liabilities to creditors and
15.4. The Balance Sheet to be supported by Profit and Loss Account sources and
uses of funds statement, notes to the financial statements and the auditor
15.5. What the business owns are assets and what it owes are liabilities. The assets
are of two groups, namely:
ο Fixed Assets
ο Current Assets
Fixed Assets: - Are meant for long term use
Current Assets :- Are ready to be converted into cash during the operating cycle of the
business e.g., accounts receivable, inventories, marketable securities. Cash is a first
current asset. The period between buying the raw materials and selling the finished
products is the operating cycle, which will be less than one year.