o Managing Agents Remuneration and Commission
o Audit Fees
o Office General exposes
ó Financial Expenses
o Cash discounts allowed
o Cost of discounting bills
o Interest on Capital
o Interest on borrowed Capital
o Loss in exchange
o Discount on Issue of Debentures
o Preliminary expenses written off.
ó Maintenance and Depreciation
o Repairs and renewals
o Depreciation of Assets
7.7. Faculty may also explain the balancing of Profit and Loss Account and its
effect on the Balance Sheet.
Visual Aid - 8 : Liabilities & Assets
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Sundry Creditors
ó Bills Payable
ó Open Accounts
ó Wages and Salaries
Capital Accounts
ó Opening Balance
ó Plus: Profit
Minus: drawings
Cash in hand
Cash in Bank
Bills Receivable
Sundry Debtors
Less: Reserve for
Doubtful debts
Less: Reserve for
Fixed assets
Minus: depreciation
Land + extensions
Total Rs. Total Rs.