The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

healing your heart 89

mental (thought) energy to the heart ’ s center. When we truly com-
prehend the research that shows that the heart ’ s magnetic fi eld is
approximately fi ve thousand times stronger than the fi eld produced
by the brain, we further appreciate the techniques that move head
knowledge to our hearts. As HeartMath practitioners ’ and many
quantum physicists ’ , neurophysiologists ’ , and neuropsychologists ’
research now shows, when a thought becomes a feeling, it can shift
our belief system and then allow our desired results to manifest.
One day I led a group of Ricers into a meditation as I played
the song “ I Believe I Can Fly. ” Such commanding, echoing, and
crescendoing words, with an equally compelling melody, can often
inspire the most defeated of souls into opening up to their truth.
I then asked the participants to write about whatever had come
to their minds and hearts. After the session, a Ricer, who had pre-
viously admitted her strong analytical and critical, left - brained
tendencies, shared her amazement that she had immediately
become in touch with feelings that she did not realize were within
her capacity to enjoy or even optimistically consider. She wrote
that she desired “ a committed relationship that would allow her to
share her life to its fullest, with companionship and love. ” After
the group had dispersed, she revealed that following her physically
abusive husband ’ s death, she had avoided any type of committed
relationship like the plague. Her memories were so painful that for
fi fteen years after her husband ’ s death, whenever she was under
stress, she had nightmares that he was still alive and was return-
ing, and she would have to live with him again. During standard
psychotherapy, she was led to confront and forgive him, and the
nightmares ceased. Yet the ability to allow any man into her life
was not yet possible. This combination of mediums for right - brain
nourishment was what she needed to reveal to herself that given
she could do anything she wanted, she really could believe and
accept that a man could become a part of her life, one whom she
could share everything with — a possibility that she had not allowed
herself to entertain for more than thirty years!
This was not magic; we all have much wisdom within that will
benefi t our journey when we seek answers from places deeper

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