The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

healing your heart 99

usually experience is a few tears related to diffi cult subjects that
they are tapping about, but that quickly shifts to feelings of relief.
Larry now follows this fi rst series of tapping with the nega-
tive phrases, on both sides of your body, with three more series of
tapping the negative phrases and alternating them with positive
phrases, such as “ When I am anxious, I take a walk ” and “ When
I am bored, I tap and laugh, thinking this crazy stuff might work! ”
When he does this introductory session of EFT at the Rice Diet
Program, we are often laughing because at fi rst it seems so bizarre
and hocus - pocus, but when we experience and then hear the
results it can create, we keep tapping!
One of the most impressive EFT healings I ’ ve personally wit-
nessed was a woman at the Rice Diet Program who had an intense
phobia of insects, especially cockroaches. Her phobia so controlled
her life that she would actually have to leave her home if she even
saw a cockroach. Because she lived in a semitropical climate, this
was very disruptive to her life. I heard her story and tapped with
her for the hourlong session. Then I saw her again six months later
when she returned to report to Larry in the EFT class that after
that one session, she had gone home and frankly forgotten about
the phobia! It was only after her husband and her son saw her
pick up a dead cockroach and throw it outside, and they expressed
amazement at her lack of fear, that she realized she had even previ-
ously had that phobia! This was incredibly convincing, because the
woman is very understated, and I don ’ t believe she made this up.
As I had noticed only slight shifts in my thinking after practicing
EFT, it was only after her experience that I began to get excited
about its potential. EFT research is growing, and its effi cacy is
most impressive in helping people with phobias and post - traumatic
stress disorders.

Day 9: Emotional Freedom Technique

“ The real drivers in weight - loss cases are emotional issues such as
self - worth and anxiety, ” explains Gary Craig. “ Until these emotions
are properly resolved, willpower will take a backseat and the need
for ‘ comfort foods ’ will win out every time. ”

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