The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

healing your heart 105

forty to sixty times more amplitude than that of the brain and a
magnetic fi eld approximately fi ve thousand times stronger than
the fi eld produced by the brain — get ready for some previously
unrealized dreams to bear fruit! For those who are ready to actual-
ize certain intentions and enjoy the resulting paradigm shifts and
healing, these exercises can align your head with your heart; they
will be well worth the small amount of time that is required for
you to practice. This meditation technique reminds me a bit of
the loving - kindness meditation practice, in that loving feelings
are brought to your heart, energizing this power - packed region. As
HeartMath Solution research, publications, and product lines are
more directed to serving those in the business world, this approach
may appeal to people who like gadgets and gizmos for instant

Day 11: Your Dream Monologue

Journalize a dream monologue of what you want in your life in
fi ve years, three years, one year, six months, and three months.
The only limits are your self - imposed ones, so let your imagina-
tion run wild! This journalizing assignment was one of the keys
to this book ’ s manifesting now rather than later; my three - month
expressive writing response really focused my attention on the real-
ity that if this book was going to be published within three years
and the musical CD produced within one year, then signifi cant
actions were required of me within three months. There is no time
like the present moment to harness your heart ’ s desire!

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