The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

128 the rice diet renewal

would have happened without the nondominant hand aspect being
exercised, but we will never know. It was the most amazing example
I can recall of how the conscious mind, which is largely left - brain
driven, can seek more brain assistance, literally by inviting the right
brain to participate, to expand and open, and allow us depths of
healing that were not available to our analytical, critical, everyday
way of thinking. Obviously, when this Ricer gained full knowledge
of her painful past, of her early need to eat for comfort, of her need
to bury the dirty family secret and protect herself by hiding under
layers of unhealthy fat, she was more able to lose weight and fi nally
keep it off! Without gaining access to this right - brain knowledge of
her past, thus of herself, she would not even be aware of the years
of deep, destructive thoughts she had of herself: that she was not
worthy, that she was a victim and somehow deserved to be one.
Knowledge is indeed power, and often we do not have full access to
our own truths unless we regularly engage the right brain and know
ourselves at deeper levels, literally know our roots so that we can
accept the healing that is available for us to receive.
In all of my expressive writing and journalizing classes, I gen-
tly caution participants of the profundity of this practice. It can
often unleash more issues than you expected, but with access to
great psychiatrists and psychotherapists, we have never had a Ricer
regret this cathartic exploration. You may want to ask your doctor
or other respected health practitioner if he or she can recommend
a psychotherapist in case you release more pain than you care to
process alone.

Day 15: Nondominant Hand Journalizing

Write the following question with your dominant hand: “ What have I
been feeding, or hungry for, this past year while gaining fi fty pounds? ”
Or write another probing question that is true for you and relevant
to your goal, such as “ How is it serving me to stay in this dead - end
job or relationship, and what do I fear about choosing to change it? ”
Then put the pen in your nondominant hand and write the
answer. Allow yourself to answer from your heart, accessing
the right - brain wisdom; it is often helpful to remind yourself that

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