The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

connecting with your spirit 145

The quality of your spiritual life will develop and will allow you to
pick up vibrations from a world that you did not previously per-
ceive or know was available to you. As you become a willing recep-
tor, these heavenly transmissions, which were always present, will
become available for you to receive.

Seeking Spirituality Everywhere

There are virtually endless avenues to strengthen and enrich your
spirituality and faith. In addition to organized religious traditions
and communities, every moment of life can be viewed as an oppor-
tunity for spiritual expansion, a time to nurture the love and unity
that are within us and that surround us, even when they are not
obvious or apparent. My ongoing prayers and conscious intentions
include my desire to attract and meet other spiritually thirsty and
enthusiastic friends and for me to recognize such connections
between people and events as God - inspired opportunities, rather
than hurrying past them or discounting them as coincidences. For
instance, I believe that if I had not sought God ’ s direction for this
book ’ s birth so tenaciously, I may very well have overlooked these
opportunities as the miracles that I believe they are. The follow-
ing spiritually inspired experiences illustrate how when we pur-
sue (pray, journal, and share with trusted others) our desires, seek
God ’ s way of manifesting them, and act as if we are part of our
desires ’ co - creation by moving toward what draws our mind, heart,
and spirit, our visions manifest.
Although such holy happenings occur far more frequently than
we realize, I am aware of many experiences of feeling God ’ s pur-
pose and plan and riding the wave of a Creative Force greater than
myself that occurred during the birthing of this book. In one period
of enthusiasm about how this book was evolving, I visited my dear
friend and University of North Carolina roommate who lives in
Asheville, North Carolina. She was very excited for me to meet
her friend, who had sung “ How Can I Keep from Singing? ” at her
son ’ s funeral. Later that afternoon, he sang it to me outside on a

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