The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

160 the rice diet renewal

I had already had Resentment Change 101 class on the way over
and described what had happened to me on my morning commute.
We laughed and celebrated the creative ways the Spirit manifests
and how comical this often is!
Although I had prayed for approximately nine months to hear
confi rmation from within about leaving my job, about a week after
this deep healing experience I awoke from a dream that told me that
today was the day to give notice. I asked my boss for an afternoon
appointment with her, where I lovingly told her that I would be leav-
ing and that I needed to share with her a bit about everything I had
learned. I felt no resentment but instead love and mercy.
Despite the fact that I was still in physical pain, it was clear to
me that she also had much unrealized pain, and I truly hoped that
she could benefi t from our relationship, at least a fraction of what
I had gained. By the end of our appointment we were both in tears,
as I learned that she was an adult child of alcoholic parents and
that she struggled with a control addiction but did not really know
how to heal herself. As I left work that day, I knew that my healing
was eminent. I desired it with all of my being. I had tenaciously
sought God for direction, timing, and truth, and I did my best to
act as I felt, led by the Spirit. The prescription was ideal, the tim-
ing divine, and my healing inevitable. Within the week, without
my lifting a fi nger to make a phone call to seek out other employ-
ment opportunities, I had received the ultimate consulting offer
from a hospital in Texas. Oh yes, and the same week all of my joint
pain went away! After nine months of pain, struggle, fear, and faith
building, multiplied by thousands of times, I felt as if I were truly
showered with blessings beyond my imaginings. Yes, that was a very
good week! Hallelujah!

Healing Is a Community and Family Affair

Disease and healing can build community like no other life experi-
ences I have known. At the Rice Diet Program, we regularly get to
witness and be part of participants ’ spiritual shifts in consciousness

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